July 26, 2025

Photo of the day: Sylvan Island

I’d heard about this little island just off the Illinois side of the Mississippi but had never been there. It just so happened that the bike path I was on before work this morning took me right to it. I didn’t have time to do any deep exploration, but I definitely will come back — armed with plenty of mosquito repellent.

July 25, 2024

Photo of the day: Buzzer midge (Chironomus plumosus)

I captured this macro with my iPhone during a walk this morning. On the phone it looks a lot sharper than it does here. Kind of disappointed.

July 24, 2024

Photo of the day: The Channel Cat

These water taxis serve the Quad Cities area, ferrying people from one spot to another along both sides of the Mississippi River. I was in the office today and captured this shot from my 6th-floor window.

July 23, 2024

Photo of the day: TARDIS sighting.

This was on a pole directly outside the little downtown Rock Island cafe where I had breakfast this morning.

The cafe:

Good coffee, by the way, and the best chorizo breakfast burrito I have ever had in my life. So far.

July 22, 2024

Photo of the day: Welcome!

I took a lot of pictures today, so it was hard to choose, but most of them were just photos of someone else’s artwork, so I didn’t think they should count. I’ll add them below, though, as “also-runs.”

Bonus photo: Rufio trying to be cute.

July 21, 2024

Photo of the day. “Be kind.”

This is on the wall of the closed restaurant across the street from my neighborhood pub. It’s a good message.

Woodland Computing

When I lived in a small house on the edge of the woods, I set up an art project. I took an old table, chair, and a computer that had died, and set it up in the forest so I could take photos of it over the course of a year.

April 23, 2011
May 21, 2011
June 26, 2011
July 30, 2011
December 17, 2011